A collaborative initiative of NIDM, WHO, UNICEF, HCLF, WFP, Sphere India and other organizations, the COVID-19 Academy is a capacity-building initiative with a mission to enable frontline volunteers and outreach workers. COVID 19 Academy-Kerala initiative is part of a series of training sessions delivered in Malayalam organized by Sphere India in association with Kerala State Disaster Management Authority and Kudumbashree (State Poverty Eradication Mission), Government of Kerala. The Academy’s sessions are targeted towards participants from Kudumbashree, IAG member organizations, Aptamithra volunteers, Sannadhasena, Kerala Civil Defence, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and academic institutions. Each webinar addressed a different aspect of Disaster management with emphasis on current Covid19 pandemic and sharing good practices and recommendations. Twelve sessions were conducted with 2 hours per session in each day. All sessions were supported with the service of sign language interpreter from National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH).

1. First 12 sessions – 29-9-2020 to 21-10-2020. Report