Monitoring: Rainfall, Temperature, Wind and Lightning are the phenomena that State Emergency Operations Centre (SEOC) closely monitors on a daily basis. The primary monitoring system of Kerala is that established by India Meteorological Department. This includes 21 Automated Weather Stations, 5 Automated Rain Gauges, 68 Manual Rain Gauges and 2 Doppler Radars. In addition to these, the State Emergency Operations Centre has also sourced the live weather monitoring data from M/S Skymet from the year 2020. M/S Skymet has 94 Automated Weather Stations in Kerala (GO (Rt) No. 531/2020/DMD dated 19-6-2020). |
Prediction: The primary extreme weather event alerts of the State is that of India Meteorological Department. IMD provides colour coded alerts regarding rainfall intensity, amount and expected area to be affected in a district scale. IMD also provides impact-based alerts for Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi City Corporations. In addition to these, the State Emergency Operations Centre has also sourced the Dangerous Thunderstorm Alert from M/S Earth Networks and hyper local weather predictions from M/S IBM The Weather Company. M/S Skymet also provides predictions. These predictions are integrated into the decision support system of SEOC. The outputs from the private weather companies are sourced only for experimental purposes. If found useful, these predictions will be utilised for warnings after the technical examination of a technical committee and approval of State Executive Committee (GO (Rt) No. 531/2020/DMD dated 19-6-2020). |