In the year 2012, the DDMA Malappuram applied a convergence of funds approach from various sources such as MGNREGA, KRWSA, own sources of panchayaths and the drought response fund from State Disaster Response Fund to create 516 minor check dams in the streams of the district. This innovative convergence resulted in ensuring that the amount of water supply through tankers in the district was bare minimum in that year which was a 100-year return interval drought year in the State. The check dams built using local materials such as sand filled gunny bags, twigs, boulders, wooden barks etc. ensure an ecofriendly approach to the entire process. These minor check dams ensured retention of water and recharge of surrounding open wells. Each check dam costed not more than ₹50,000/- including labour. Most of the check dams became permanent impediments in the river bed over a period of 1 monsoon season by siltation and thereby ensuring continued water retention. In the year 2015, with reference to GO (Rt) No. 5634/2015/DMD dated 8-05-2015, the DDMA Wayanad created 135 logwood check dams and Thrissur created 18 check dams, following the Malappuram Model.
Sl. No | District | Number |
1 | Malappuram | 516 |
2 | Wayand | 135 |
3 | Thrissur | 18 |
In line with the general principle of promoting non-structural minor water conservation projects, the Authority intents to promote this successful model to other districts as well on a need basis as requested by the respective DDMAs.