As part of the ongoing UNICEF- KSDMA partnership project “Mainstreaming Disaster Risk resilience”, it is envisioned to undertake activities to mainstream disaster risk reduction in various sectors. One of the activities for the year 2020 is virtual cadre training of 6 government departments. Online training are planned for the officers of these departments. As part of mainstreaming DRR activities in the education sector, school safety awareness programmes are planned in association with the education department. For up scaling up the efforts related to school safety and hospital safety, designing of apps are being planned for aiding the stakeholders in preparing DM plans and disseminating DM related information. Two handbooks based on the themes ‘school safety’ and ‘disasters & climate change’ are planned for students and teachers respectively. As part of strengthening the participation of the Non-governmental institutions and coordination with the governmental mechanism, district level IAGs which were constituted last year will be coordinated and reinforced. In order to capture the impact of disasters on vulnerable sections of population dis-aggregated data of the population affected by various disasters will be enumerated.


Annual Report – 2021 KSDMA-UNICEF Programmes Mainstreaming risk and resilience. Report