The response phase in a disaster focusses on immediate and short term needs after a disaster. In times of emergencies, it is the local community who will be of immediate help to the affected population and hence it is critical to train the community to prepare for disasters that may affect them. Adequate and appropriate training are needed to enhance their resilience to face natural as well as anthropogenic hazards. Moreover, the community has indigenous knowledge and relevant skills based on the terrain and circumstances they live in. Vide GO (MS) No. 156/2019/LSGD dated 4-12-2019 all the local self-government bodies are directed to form the emergency response teams in their jurisdiction. There are four domains of emergency response teams viz. First Aid, Shelter management, Search-Rescue-Evacuation, Early Warning Dissemination. The community members, irrespective of gender, are selected and trained in these four thematic areas. The training content was developed by KSDMA and the trainings are being carried out by KILA for those who are already inducted into these teams. The training material may be found here

Emergency Response Team Training Materials 2021