Post Kerala Floods 2018, the Government directed the Geological Survey of India vide GO (Ms) No. 20/2018/DMD dated 7-9-2018 to map the landslides that occurred in 2018. Geological Survey of India in priority deployed 10 teams, each with two Geologists to immediately survey the landslide sites and also proposed the sites that are inhabitable such that the families dwelling there could be facilitated for relocation.
In total 1626 landslides were investigated. Based on the site-specific investigations, GSI recommended 689 dwelling units to be relocated. The Government vide GO (Ms) No. 6/2019/DMD dated 27-2-2019 made the vulnerability linked relocation plan applicable to the dwelling units which were identified as vulnerable by GSI.
• Investigation summary of Landslides of 2018 by Geological Survey of India
• Map of sites with dwelling units requiring Landslide Vulnerability Linked Relocation (Geological Survey of India – Post Flood 2018 Survey)