Kerala faced a severe floods and landslides in 2019. Several severe landslides occurred in the State. A rapid assessment of the safety of areas affected by landslides/debris flows and the sites were radial cracks were formed in the sloped due to aborted landslides were deemed necessary. Accordingly, officers of Mining and Geology, Ground Water and Soil Conservation Departments were paired into 49 teams and trained by KSDMA with the assistance of landslide experts and Geological Survey of India. Each team had one Geologist and a Soil Conservation Officer. The teams were deployed in 9 districts vide GO (Rt) No. 520/2019/DMD dated 19-8-2019.
In total 719 sites were investigated. Based on the site-specific investigations, the teams recommended dwelling units at 411 sites to be relocated. The Government vide GO (Ms) No. 25/2019/DMD dated 23-8-2019 made the vulnerability linked relocation plan applicable to the dwelling units which were identified as vulnerable by these teams.
• Investigation summary by the KSDMA constituted teams of 2019
• Map of sites with dwelling units requiring Landslide Vulnerability Linked Relocation (KSDMA Team – Post Flood 2019 Survey)