According to the Disability Census, 2015 conducted by the Social Justice Department 9.87 lakh households in Kerala has disabled people, which constitute 11.01% of the total number of dwellings in the state. There are 7,91,998 disabled persons in Kerala which constitutes 2.23% of the state’s total population. Considering the emerging needs of people with disabilities towards disaster preparedness and response, Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA) has approved the project titled ‘Strengthening of emergency response capabilities with emphasis on differently abled people in Kerala’. The project seeks to address the issues of the people with disabilities towards disasters at the district level by training the stakeholders in First Aid, Survival Skills, Search & Rescue, Evacuation, Early Warning etc. To discuss on the approach towards the project, a consultation meeting was held on 11 May 2016 and a follow-up meeting was held on 30 June 2016 at Thiruvananthapuram. The project is funded under the Plan Budget 2015 of KSDMA and is implemented by SEOC. In the consultation held on 11th May 2016, audio brochures and brochures in brail text have been released by the State Authority.
The report of the consultation workshop can be found here