- Dr. Shinu Sheela Wilson, Lekshmi Vijayachandran, Dr. Aswathy S. Nair, Faheed Jasin, Amrutha K, 2021, Drought situation assessment 2021. SEOC, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Amrutha K, Alen Abraham, Alfred Johny, 2021. Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment for Travancore Titanium Ltd. Furnace Oil Spill, 10-2-2021. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- UNEP, UN GRID, CIMA Italy, KSDMA, 2020; Flood Return Probability Assessment of Kerala based on Historic Data. Report
- UNEP, UN GRID, CIMA Italy, KSDMA, 2020; Flood Return Probability Assessment of Kerala based on RCP 8.5 Climate Change Scenario. Report
- KSEOC, 2020. Quantifying historic and climate change induced Flood Hazard Probability of Kerala and assessing the exposure of schools & hospitals to Floods in Kerala - A joint project of UNEP, CIMA Italy, UNEP GRID and KSDMA. Financially and technically supported by UNEP, Geneva. PDF
- Sankar G, Suresh Babu D.S, Midhun T.M, Sarath Kumar, 2020. Studies on land disturbances due to soil piping affecting the critical zones in Western Ghats of Kerala. Submitted by National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram. Funded by Kerala State Disaster Management Authority. PDF
- KSDMA-UNICEF, 2019, Child Centred Risk Assessment, Kerala. PDF
- Mathai J and Suresh Babu, 2019. Augmenting Groundwater Recharge Through Renovation of Ponds - A Model Study in Vadakarapathi Panchayath, Palakkad. Research report submitted by National Centre for Earth Science Studies, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Ajin R.S, 2019. A brief report on a landslide site visit in Idukki District, Kerala. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- UNESCO-Ideosync Media Combine, 2019. Recommendations for the integration of Community Radio into the Kerala State disaster management planning & response process. PDF
- Developing appropriate house designs for tribal communities in Wayanad, Kerala, Department of Architecture and Planning, NIT Calicut, 2019. Funded by UNDP and Supported by KSDMA. Report. Illustrations
- SEOC, August 2019. Field Survey Report – Present Status of IMD RG network in Kerala and availability of space for the establishment of Automated Weather Stations. SEOC Investigation Series. IMD AWS Sites and RG Photos .PDF
- Sreekumar S, Aslam A, 2019. Landslide Susceptibility Assessment and Preparedness Strategies, Thiruvambaadi Grama Panchayath, Kozhikode District, Kerala - Project Report, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Calicut University. Funded by KSDMA. PDF
- SEOC, April 2019. Field Survey Report – Present Status of IMD RG network in Kerala and availability of space for the establishment of Automated Weather Stations. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- TISS, 2019. Kerala Floods 2018 - A study on emergency supply chain logistics in Kuttanad, Alappuzha. Vol 1 and Vol 2
- Sathyan C.J, Rajeev T.R. 2018. Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment Report – Neelakurinji Blooming Season 2018. SEOC, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- SEOC, 2018. Report on 9 year continuous Lightning strike damage in the house of Sri. Shivadasan Nair, Aneesh Bhavan, Near Kaithakootu Reethu Palli, Puthoor, Kollam District. Submitted to Government on 19-05-2018. PDF
- Osella et.al, 2018. Forecasting with fishers: Co-producing weather knowledge with artisanal fishers of the southwest Indian coast-Poster.PDF
- Sankar G, Joshi M, Rajan P.R, Mudhu T.M, Karimulla S, Eldhose K, 2018. Investigation of Soil Piping Incident at Kottaykkal, Perumannaklari Panchayath, Kanjikuzhinarayil, Malappuram. National Centre for Earth Science Studies. Study commissioned by SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Pradeep G.S, Ajin R.S, 2018. Investigation of Kurissummoottil Granite Quarry in Survey Number 1/1 in Payyavoor Village, Thaliparamba Taluk, Kannur. SEOC, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Ajin R.S, Pradeep G.S, Parvathy S, 2018. A brief report on the site inspection at Thaliparamaba Taluk, Kannur District, Kerala. SEOC, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF.
- Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, 2018. Dynamical downscaling of regional climate: simulation of extreme rainfall events and their impacts over the state of Kerala in the near future - Project Report. Funded by KSDMA. PDF
- Parvathy S, Anupama N, Sekhar L. Kuriakose, 2017. Drought – Situation Assessment Report, 2017 (1st June – 31st March, 2017). SEOC, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- ILDM, 2016. Crisis Management Plan for Sabarimala - Project Report. Funded by KSDMA. PDF
- Sankar G, Varma A.K, Kuriakose SL, Deepa C, Rajan PP, Eldhose K, 2016. Studies on the soil piping in the highlands of Kerala to avoid the disaster. Research report jointly submitted by National Centre for Earth Science Studies and Kerala State Emergency Operations Centre to Government of Kerala and National Disaster Management Authority, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Parvathy S, Anupama N, Sekhar L. Kuriakose, 2016. Drought – Situation Assessment Report, 2016 (1st June – 30th September, 2016). SEOC, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Aswathy P, Sekhar L. Kuriakose, 2016. Report on Piping Phenomenon in front of the house of Mr. V.K Balan, S/O Kottan (L), Nelliyadukkam, Kollampara, Neeleswaram, Kasargode. SEOC,Investigation Series. PDF
- Parvathy S, Sekhar L. Kuriakose, 2016. Gastnado at Poruvazhi Panchayath, Kollam District. SEOC, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Parvathy S, Siju Thankappan, Mary Midhula Maxy, Ninu Krishnan M.V, Vrinthanath M.C, Sunil K. Babu, Pradeep G.S, Sruthi Ravindran. UNDP India Team and Amruta Thampi Rajan (Reviewers). Sekhar L. Kuriakose (Ed), 2015. Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment Report – Thiruvananthapuram City. SEOC, SEOC Investigation Series. Funded by: USAID and UNDP. Commissioned by: Thiruvananthapuram City Corporation, Kerala, India. PDF
- Vijith H, Prasannakumar V, M.V. Ninu Krishnan, Pratheesh P. 2015. Morphotectonics of a small river basin in the South Indian granulite terrain: An assessment through spatially derived geomorphic indices. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards , Vol. 9(3). pp. 187-199. Link
- Vijith H, Prasannakumar V, Sharath Mohan M.A, Pratheesh P. 2015. Channel response in structurally disturbed terrain: evaluation of implication of neotectonic activity through an integrated approach. Geocarto International, Vol. 30(9). pp. 984-996. Link
- S. U. Ganaie, S. Ravindran, T. Abbasi, S. A. Abbasi, 2015. Rapid and Clean Biomimetic Synthesis of Bimetallic Au-Ag Nanoparticles Using an otherwise Worthless and Noxious Weed Ipomoea (Ipomoea carnea), Journal of Nano Research, Vol. 31, pp. 1-14. Link
- SEOC, 2014. Report of the Special Team for Mullaperiyar Crisis Management - Visit 1 - 21st November to 25th November 2014. SEOC, Department of Disaster Management, Government of Kerala. PDF
- H. Vijith, K.N. Krishnakumar, G.S. Pradeep, M.V. Ninu, 2014. Shallow landslide initiation susceptibility mapping by GIS-based weights-of-evidence analysis of multi-class spatial data-sets: a case study from the natural sloping terrain of Western Ghats, India, Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, 8(1). Link
- G.S. Pradeep, M.V. Ninu Krishnan, H. Vijith, 2014. Identification of critical soil erosion prone areas and annual average soil loss in an upland agricultural watershed of Western Ghats, using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and RUSLE techniques. Link
- M. V. Ninu Krishnan, P. Pratheesh, P. G. Rejith, H. Vijith, 2014. Determining the Suitability of Two Different Statistical Techniques in Shallow Landslide (Debris Flow) Initiation Susceptibility Assessment in the Western Ghats. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, 70(4). Link
- Training Need Analysis of Medical Sector in Kerala, 2014. Project Report submitted by Indian Institute of Emergency Medical Services, Kottayam. Funded by GOI-UNDP Project on Enhancing Institutional and Community Resilience to Disasters and Climate Change (2013 –2017). PDF
- Parvathy S, Kuriakose S.L, 2014. Lightning and Coastal Erosion - Request for inclusion in the list of natural calamities eligible for funding from National Disaster Response Fund. SEOC, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Parvathy S, Kuriakose S.L, 2014. Disasters in Numbers – Fact sheet on Coastal Erosion related losses in Kerala (2002 – 2012). SEOC, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Expert Technical Committee on Techno Legal Regime in Disaster Management, 2013. Report of the Expert Technical Committee on TLR in Disaster Management formed vide G.O (Rt) No. 2204/2011/DMD, dated 08/04/2011 . PDF
- Sunny S, Parvathy S, Kuriakose S.L, 2013. Disasters in Numbers, 2013: Monsoon (June to December). SEOC, SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Vijith H, Kuriakose S.L, Mohan K, 2013. Rapid visual screening of the precarious boulder at Parakovil, Thirumala, Thiruvananthapuram.SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Vijith H, Pradeep G.S, Parvathy S, 2013. Land subsidence and earth fissures in West Kallada area of Kollam District. SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Vijith H, Kuriakose S.L, Pradeep G.S, 2013. Investigation of the emission of heat and stream from the ground in Kadalundi Panchayath, Kozhikode district. SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Vijith H, Kuriakose S.L, Mohan K, 2013. Investigation of a mudflow from Kavungal granites, Chembanmudi, Pathanamthitta district. SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Mathai J, Kuriakose S.L, Mohan K, 2013. Note on the ground cracks in Kadalundi Panchayath, Kozhikode district. SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Mathai John, Vijith H, Pradeep G.S, 2013. Report on the investigation carried out in the landslide affected Puthussery area of Palakkad district. SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Sreekantan Nair P, Mathai J, Mohanan C.N and Kuriakose S.L, 2013. Report on environmental impacts of quarries in Moonnilavu Grama Panchayath, Kottayam District. Report of the technical committee constitute by Department of Environment and Climate Change, Govt. of Kerala as per Government Order (MS). No.152/12/ENVT dated 29.10.2012.
- Vijit H, 2012. A field investigation report on the well collapses in Kottayam district in Kerala. SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Vijit H, Parvathy S, Pradeep G.S, Chinthumol C., 2012. Field based assessment of the effects of recent earthquake in Kollam district of Kerala. SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Kuriakose S.L, Vijith H, Parvathy S, Ninu Krishnan M.V, Pradeep G.S, Sankar G, Mohan K, 2012. Meteorological Drought Situation Assessment of Kerala, June – August 2012. Submitted to the Kerala State Disaster Management Authority and Department of Disaster Management, Govt. of Kerala (Submitted on: 03-09-2012). SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Kuriakose S.L, Vijith H, Parvathy S, Ninu Krishnan M.V, Pradeep G.S, Sankar G, Mohan K, 2012. Meteorological Drought Situation Assessment of Kerala, June – July 2012. Submitted to the Kerala State Disaster Management Authority and Department of Disaster Management, Govt. of Kerala (Submitted on: 04 August 2012). SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Kuriakose S.L, Sankar G, Mohan K, 2012. Report on the ‘Soil Pipe’ beneath the house of Mr. T.S Bhasi, Survey No. 352/4, Pambavalley, Kollamula, Ranni, Pathanamthitta District. Technical report submitted to Department of Disaster Management, Govt. of Kerala in response to Government Letter No. 34758/K1/2012/DMD dated 15-06-2012. SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Kuriakose S.L, Sankar G, Mohan K, 2012. Report on disaster proneness of Pulingome and Thirumeni Villages. Technical report submitted to Department of Disaster Management, Govt. of Kerala in response to Submission to the Principal Secretary, Disaster Management by Kottathalachy Hill Eco-Protection Council and direction by Principal Secretary to Head, HVRA Cell for urgent enquiry and report dated 3 May 2012. SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Parvathy S, Kuriakose S.L, Mohan K, 2012. A brief review of Merits and Demerits of Coastal Bio-shielding. Technical Report submitted to Department of Disaster Management, Govt. of Kerala in response to Government Letter No. 3482/K2/2012/DMD dated 20/01/2012. SEOC. SEOC Investigation Series. PDF
- Government of Kerala, 2011. Report of the Expert Group lead by Honb’le Minister for Revenue and Disaster Management for the rapid assessment of the situation in Idukki district after the earth tremors of 18 November 2011. Department of Disaster Management, Government of Kerala. PDF